Artisan print deserves more attention
In my last article I introduced the idea of artisan print. I explained why more print companies should target this sector.
If you are still unsure, here are seven reasons to sell artisan print:
Artisan print has good profit margins
Artisan print customers have several advantages. First, they don’t know much about print. Next, they are not typically shopping around for the lowest price. They are more interested in creating the right value proposition and pricing for their products than in buying the cheapest print and packaging. This means that you have a much better chance of adding a good profit margin on work you produce for them.
Artisan print prospects like to be approached by printers
This is not a sector that is looked at by many printing companies. So often prospects are pleasantly surprised when someone approaches them. This means it is much easier to secure a good conversation or even a meeting.
Artisan print means upselling is easy
Most prospects are very open to learning how to make their products look better. You have a good opportunity to put forward ideas for unusual substrates and finishes.
Artisan print attracts more loyal customers
Many customers rely on their printers for advice. They trust suppliers who help them navigate print and grow their business. They are less likely to move for the sake of a small saving.
Artisan print encourages account growth
You may win small customers, but some will grow to become much bigger customers. You should see several accounts grow to become much more worthwhile.
Artisan print lets you be creative
You can be as inventive as you like for artisan print customers. They like good print and packaging ideas. Accounts like this can be great fun to work on!
Artisan print looks good in your portfolio
Creative, artisan print always stands out. The right pieces are often good door openers to other clients.
Artisan print is not for everyone
This type of work certainly doesn’t suit every company. Not everyone has the right resource of workflow to sell artisan print. I’ll outline some of the issues in my next article.
Nonetheless, for many print companies it is the ideal type of work. I’ll be outlining potential markets for artisan print very shortly.
If you want to sell any type of print effectively you need the right sales plan
Learn how to win results with 13 week sales plans in my book “How To Succeed At Print Sales”.
PS Test out how effective your sales people are at selling print sales
Download my free e-book “Ten Common Print Selling Errors and What To Do About Them” right now at You’ll also receive my regular “Views from the print buyer” bulletin, full of ideas on how to sell print effectively. It’s free and you can unsubscribe at any time.
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Many printing companies are frustrated how hard it is to engage buyers in today’s world. That’s where Matthew Parker can help. He is a gamekeeper turned poacher. Parker has bought print for more than 20 years and received over 1,400 print sales pitches. He now uses his buyer’s point of view to give practical advice to printers. He helps them engage with prospects and customers to create profitable relationships.
Download his free e-book, "Ten Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them" and check out his recently launched book, "How To Succeed At Print Sales: Setting targets, planning the right activities and making sure goals are met."