One of the major obstacles to organizational planning is the idea that it is complex, complicated and confusing. It doesn’t need to be any of those things. In fact, as with most endeavors, the simpler the process is, the easier it is to understand. And once we understand, fear dissipates, confidence grows and moving forward toward a meaningful outcome becomes more likely.
So, here is a simplified approach to building out meaningful, measurable objectives that will help bring better business results and very quickly. Here are five key objectives to get you started.
Objective number one is strategic revenue growth. There are several tactical approaches to getting this done including maximizing the potential of existing accounts, targeted acquisition of new accounts, revisiting former clients, growth through acquisition and taking an overall assessment of your go-to-market strategy and your marketing and sales processes.
A second objective is focused on operational excellence. Here, you will take aim at marked improvement in your internal business processes. While this starts with manufacturing, it doesn’t end there. Setting improvement objectives for estimating, planning, scheduling, onboarding work and moving jobs through the plant seamlessly are all in play.
Objective number three addresses financial management & analysis. Start with the time it takes to generate an invoice. Are approval processes and adequate controls in place? Is the finance and accounting department in synch with the rest of the operation so that information flows in a way that is timely and accurate, allowing for critical financial reporting, analysis and forecasting?
The fourth objective is concerned with technological innovation. There is little question that technology will impact all aspects of business going forward. In fact, a strong case can be made for the idea that investments in technology, both front stage (customer facing) and backstage (operational requirements), will outdistance investments in all other areas of the operation combined.
Objective five is comprised of perhaps the most critical elements for business success: People, Performance, Culture and Learning. Setting specific improvement targets here, supported with a tactical plan will pay big dividends.
By starting with these five key objectives, you will be on your way toward building a comprehensive, well-balanced plan that can unify your entire organization and pave the way for a bigger, better future.
For more information on a simplified approach to strategy and planning, contact me at

Joseph P. Truncale, Ph.D., CAE, is the Founder and Principal of Alexander Joseph Associates, a privately held consultancy specializing in executive business advisory services with clients throughout the graphic communications industry.
Joe spent 30 years with NAPL, including 11 years as President and CEO. He is an adjunct professor at NYU teaching graduate courses in Executive Leadership; Financial Management and Analysis; Finance for Marketing Decisions; and Leadership: The C Suite Perspective. He may be reached at Phone or text: (201) 394-8160.