The word passion, as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a strong feeling of enthusiasm, of excitement for something or about doing something. It is my bias that when any great leader or leadership strategy is examined, positive passion and energy will be found.
Passion that is channeled in such a positive direction is an incredibly powerful thing. Many of the greatest visionaries (Walt Disney, FDR, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, etc.) also possessed great passion as part of their leadership strategy. This is why people were so eager and willing to follow them. Think about the amount of change such individuals brought about in their day. Why? Many reasons but a large one was their abundant amount of passion.
- Categories:
- Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Ryan T. Sauers has spent nearly 30 years running, leading or consulting with printing, graphics, promotional and visual communications-related organizations. Sauers is CEO of two companies, Sauers Consulting Strategies LLC and End Resultz Inc. that among other things, owns magazines and is a media firm. Key areas of focus of the firms include sales training, marketing strategy, personal branding, leadership development and organizational change.
Sauers is a frequent national speaker and columnist. He has been recognized as one of the top 80 CMOs globally and achieved the top designation of Certified Marketing Executive through Sales and Marketing Executives International.
Sauers is an adjunct university professor teaching leadership and communication courses to current and aspiring leaders. He is a Certified Myers Briggs, DiSC and Emotional Intelligence Practitioner (one of few in the U.S. to achieve all three rigorous certifications related to human communications, personality and behavior).
Sauers has completed his doctoral-level coursework in Organizational Leadership and is now (ABD - All But Dissertation) working on his dissertation on why some entrepreneurs and small businesses achieve initial and long-term success, whereas countless others do not.
Sauers is the host of the Marketing Matters radio show in Atlanta that later becomes a global podcast. He also is the host of the Community Connections TV show that comes out in video and podcast form. Sauers is the author of the best-selling books, Everyone is in Sales, and Would You Buy from You? More info at or call (678) 825-2049 or email