Here's a simple strategy that will win you more sales
Make more use of your email signature. It goes out to clients and prospects many, many times every day. So why not use it to sell more?
Here are five ways you could use your signature to drive sales
- Announce products
- Suggest upsells
- Launch new services
- Tell people about events
- Offer free resources
Remember, the last two are intended to drive conversations that lead to sales.
Here’s an extra tip
Change you email message every few weeks. You don’t want people to get used to seeing the same message and ignoring it.
It only takes a few minutes to update your email signature — why don’t you do it right now!
All good sales messages on an email should focus on pain and difference.
P.S. If you would like some ideas on what new things to try, download this free checklist “Eight Essential Print Sales Activities.” You’ll also receive my regular “Views from the print buyer” bulletin, full of ideas on how to sell print effectively.
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- Business Management - Marketing/Sales
Many printing companies are frustrated how hard it is to engage buyers in today’s world. That’s where Matthew Parker can help. He is a gamekeeper turned poacher. Parker has bought print for more than 20 years and received over 1,400 print sales pitches. He now uses his buyer’s point of view to give practical advice to printers. He helps them engage with prospects and customers to create profitable relationships.
Download his free e-book, "Ten Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them" and check out his recently launched book, "How To Succeed At Print Sales: Setting targets, planning the right activities and making sure goals are met."