Recently, I celebrated my 48th anniversary in the printing industry. As I look down the road, I have no plans to stop. I’m always prepared for change and if I’ve learned anything I know surprises can come … but those are just details. I plan to stay active as long as I’m relevant.
These days I find myself working with printers, individual reps, students, and equipment companies. It’s an awesome gig. Through the eyes of my contacts, I see our industry from differing perspectives. I love it and I love learning.
It’s a privilege to share advice. I hope you’ll grant me a few minutes and take in the words below. These are tips I would share with anyone who wants to make the most of their career opportunity.
1) Do what you love doing and do it where you love doing it. The money will take care of itself. This one is obvious. There is no shortage of career advice along these lines either. If you like what you’re doing and where you’re doing it, you’re going to bring the best version of yourself to every detail you manage. You will excel. You’ll have fun and are sure to inspire those around you too. More responsibility will find its way to you and so will recognition. You’ll be successful.
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- Business Management - Marketing/Sales
Bill Gillespie has been in the printing business for 48 years and has been in sales and marketing since 1978. He was formerly the COO of National Color Graphics, an internationally recognized commercial printer and EVP of Brown Industries, an international POP company. Bill has enjoyed business relationships with flagship brands including, but not limited to, Apple, Microsoft, Coca Cola, American Express, Nike, MGM, Home Depot, and Berkshire Hathaway. He is an expert in printing sales, having written more than $100,000,000 in personal business during his career. Currently, Bill consults with printing companies, equipment manufacturers, and software firms. He can be reached by email ( or by phone (770-757-5464).