The Italian Printing and Converting Industry Keeps Crisis at Bay
MILAND, ITALY—The Italian industry of graphic and converting machinery reports positive results for 2008. In spite of the world crisis the total industry turnover shows a 4.7% and there has been no employment cuts.
Sales of printing and converting machinery rank first with a 8.7% growth; they account for over half of the industry’s total proceeds. Sales of pre- printing equipment follow with +9.6%, while the turnover generated by binding and paper converting machinery drops by 1% after last year’s outstanding performance.
Once again exports spearhead the growth of the industry with +8%, accounting for a record 80% in the industry’s total turnover. This figure takes up even more significance in the light of the negative economic situation affecting the global market since the second half of 2008.
The Central and Latin American market drives the growth in exports with a stunning + 53.7%, a result higher than Asia which reports +37.6%. Non-EU Europe grows by 8.4%, while North America drops by 2.9%. The performance of the EU-27 market remains poor with -2.9% compared to 2.7% in the previous year.
The domestic market, on the other hand, reports a drop in sales of 8.2% and a decrease in imports by 8.4%.
2008 marks a new trade balance record: +33,2% compared to 2007, over 717 million Euros accounting for 40% of total turnover.
“Even in this time of crisis and difficulty our industry shows stability and, together with other segments of instrumental mechanics, gives once more an important contribution to limiting the country’s deficit.
Nevertheless we are aware of the drop in orders registered over the last months of 2008 and the beginning for 2009. In addition, for the first time we have noticed a decrease in total investment. The effects of the expansion in the economic policy put in effect by the government to offset the economic crisis will not become evident until the second half of 2009. By then we expect an improvement in export volumes thanks to the recovery of international trade, which is the real drive for our business as shown by figures” remarked Ugo Barzanò, outgoing president of ACIMGA. At the end of his four-year appointment Mr. Barzanò will pass on the baton to the new president, who will be officially appointed during the annual Assembly on June 8th.
ACIMGA is the association of the Italian Manufacturers of Machinery for the Graphic, Converting and Paper Industry. It groups 55 member companies accounting for approximately 65% of the total industry turnover and 75% of the export business. In addition to being a member of Confindustria ACIMGA is also part of a trade, domestic and international association network: Federmacchine, Federgrafica, Eumaprint, GlobalPrint.
- People:
- Ugo Barzan
- Places:
- Asia
- Italy
- North America