SGIA Announces 2015 Safety Recognition Program for Maintaining a Hazardous-Free Workplace
FAIRFAX, VA—January 6, 2015—SGIA members can now apply to participate in the 2015 SGIA Safety Recognition Program, a bi-monthly check-up plan designed to keep companies free of workplace hazards.
"Participation in this program ensures not only a safer workplace, but a happier one," said Marci Kinter, SGIA’s vice president of government and business information. "Completing the program tells insurers and clients alike that you are running a safe operation."
The primary objective of this program is to make employers and employees alike aware of the necessity of maintaining a safe working environment. SGIA also strives to help you create, on the part of member companies' staffs, an awareness of the need to comply with all applicable state, provincial and national safety laws and standards.
The program is active on a calendar year basis beginning Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. Companies who have completed and submitted each bimonthly checklist, through their own self-inspection and verification, will receive the 2015 SGIA Safety Recognition Award.
The deadline for enrollment in this year’s program is Jan. 31. Enroll now to become an active part of your safety program.
SGIA—Supporting the Leaders of the Digital & Screen Printing Community
"Specialty imaging" comprises digital imaging, screen printing and the many other imaging technologies SGIA members use, including those they’ll tap in the future. These are the imaging processes and technologies employed to create new products and to enhance existing products including point-of-purchase displays, printed electronics, membrane switches, signs, advertisements, garments, containers and vehicles.
Source: SGIA.