Public Printer Names Davita Vance-Cooks as Chief of Staff
WASHINGTON, DC—Jan. 18, 2011—Public Printer Bill Boarman has named Davita Vance-Cooks as Chief of Staff for the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). The Chief of Staff is the principal advisor to the Public Printer on overall management of the agency. Vance-Cooks will be responsible for formulation and coordination of all internal and external agency policies.
Vance-Cooks has held management positions at GPO for nearly seven years, most recently serving as the managing director of Publications and Information Sales business unit. In this position, she led the team that is responsible for the sale of Federal print and electronic information products to the public. Vance-Cooks oversaw the renovation of the agency's retail bookstore in Washington, DC, launched an award winning Government book blog, updated the centralized contact center, and led GPO’s effort to partner with Google to sell Federal publications in an e-book format through Google’s eBookstore.
“Davita’s leadership and experience in operations management, strategic planning, market research and knowledge of GPO makes her an indispensible asset to me and the agency,” said Public Printer Bill Boarman. “I am honored she will be my Chief of Staff as the agency continues to uphold its historic mission of Keeping America Informed on the three branches of the Federal Government.”
Vance-Cooks joined GPO in 2004 as part of the management team that oversaw the agency's procurement and customer services business unit. Before coming to GPO, she held a number of senior management positions in third party administrator web-based companies and insurance organizations. These positions include: vice-president of operations for a Web-based health care services company that specialized in resolution of reimbursement health care issues; general manager for HTH Worldwide Insurance Services; senior vice-president of operations for NYLCare Health Plans; Director of customer service and claims, director of membership and billing, and director of market research and product development for Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans.
Vance-Cooks earned her Bachelors degree from Tufts University and her MBA from Columbia University.
About the U.S. Government Printing Office
GPO is the Federal Government's primary centralized resource for gathering, cataloging, producing, providing, authenticating, and preserving published U.S. Government information in all its forms. GPO is responsible for the production and distribution of information products and services for all three branches of the Federal Government. In addition to publication sales, GPO makes Government information available at no cost to the public through GPO's Federal Digital System ( and through partnerships with approximately 1,220 libraries nationwide participating in the Federal Depository Library Program. For more information, please visit Follow GPO on Twitter and on YouTube
Source: Press release.