Printing Industry of America's Mark Bohan Joins the CIP4 Board of Directors as Membership Officer
PITTSBURGH—May 7, 2015—The Advisory Board of International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press and Postpress Organization (CIP4) has elected Mark Bohan of Printing Industries of America to its board of directors as its membership officer.
CIP4 is a not-for-profit standards association whose mission is to foster the adoption of process automation in the printing industry. As a global organization with representatives from 27 countries, CIP4 consists of more than 1,600 individuals from approximately 200 member companies. The board of directors is comprised of the CEO and officers of the organization responsible for day-to-day oversight and management of the organization. All members of CIP4 can run for officer positions. The CIP4 advisory board selects officers from the pool of candidates who then serve a two-year term.
"I am exceedingly honored to be nominated and then elected to the CIP4 board of directors to work as its membership officer," said Mark Bohan. "This cornerstone of CIP4 activities increases the reach and adoption of JDF and automated systems in the industry. I am excited to develop new members and create a close engagement with the existing membership by showcasing the immense value of JDF and CIP4 with participation in the development, implementation of the specification, and their technical/educational events.”
In addition to his role on the board of directors, Bohan also serves on the advisory board (AB) and technical steering committee (TSC) and, in collaboration with his team, is closely involved with many of new the technical developments in CIP4 and in the certification against the ICS documents that are created. As Bohan explained, "The work that we carry out here helps both the printers and vendors with faster and more efficient implementations of automation, one of the keys to a successful business."
JDF (Job Definition Format) is an open industry standard developed and managed by the CIP4 organization in order to simplify information exchange between different applications and systems in and around the graphic arts industry. CIP4 creates standards, specifications, and best practices for the purpose of furthering the cause of process automation in printing and associated production and business operations. They seek to promote the adoption of process automation globally through the creation and dissemination of information on process automation methods and solutions through educational programs, industry events, trade media, online systems, social networking and other means.
About Printing Industries of America (PIA)
Printing Industries of America (PIA), with local affiliated associations, delivers services and products that enhance the knowledge, growth, and profitability of members through advocacy, research, education and networking.
Source: Printing Industries of America.