WASHINGTON, DC—March 30, 2015—The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) sources hundreds of millions of dollars in products and services from private sector printers every year. The GPO market has a place for printers of all sizes and capabilities. With the right tools, data and expertise it can be very lucrative. In the first two weeks as a client of Government Print Management, one Washington, DC, area printer added over $133,000 to its revenue stream from GPO projects.
In today's competitive and often difficult marketplace there's not a single organization in the printing business that wouldn't like to add nearly $133,000 to its revenue stream over the course of two weeks. For most printers that could be a difficult accomplishment. But for one Washington, DC-area printer it was as easy as letting its new partners at Government Print Management put their expertise in connecting private sector printers with opportunities to print for the United States government.
This particular printer who, in honor of confidentiality agreements cannot be revealed, is no stranger to printing for the government. It had been finding opportunities to bid on government work by assigning employees the task of scouring the U.S. Government Publishing Office's (GPO) Website for years. "In the first two weeks of February, before becoming a client of Government Print Management, the printer won a little bit under $6,700 worth of GPO work," said Deborah Snider, senior vice president of Government Print Management. "In the last two weeks of February, their first two weeks as our client, the printer won over $139,000 worth of GPO work," Snider added. That adds up to an increase of over $133,000.
Government Print Management, a service of eLynxx Solutions, is the original, and only, third-party provider of U.S. GPO bid services and strategies for private sector printers seeking opportunities to print for the Government Publishing Office. "Many printers think that the bid opportunities they find on the GPO's free Website are the same as the service we provide. That couldn't be further from the truth," Snider said. "Government Print Management not only invests in a premium feed of all opportunities directly from the GPO's sixteen offices, we also have staff who personally visit the GPO Central Office in Washington, DC, to collect and distribute opportunities instantaneously."
Compared to the free listing of GPO opportunities, the services of Government Print Management deliver a more complete listing of opportunities in a more timely fashion. "In addition to being more robust, Government Print Management packages each client's information specifically for them," Snider said, adding "that means printers like the one we're talking about do not have to waste time sorting and qualifying opportunities to find the ones that fit their capabilities. When a client receives an opportunity from us they know right away that it's a fit and they can get a jump on submitting their bid." With access to the world's largest repository of GPO bid, pricing and award information, Government Print Management clients gain the advantage of easier estimating, faster bidding and more wins than printers who rely on free GPO opportunity listings and monopolized staff.
"Our client who added over $139,000 to their revenue stream in two weeks was actually a client of ours for many years," Snider noted. "After years of disappointment, frustration and wasted hours with the free listings on the GPO Website, they decided it was time to come back to where they can achieve serious success." The GPO sources between $200 million and $250 million in printing from the private sector every year. From registration and qualification with the GPO to empowering successful bidding strategies, Government Print Management has helped thousands of printers claim their piece, with greater success and better return on investment than assigning employees to use free online services.
About Government Print Management
For 40 years Government Print Management has provided end-to-end assistance, strategic services and information that enables printers to effectively participate, win and profit in the GPO print market. The original and only GPO bid service firm, Government Print Management is also the only processor of all available GPO opportunities and the owner of the world's largest database of GPO information. Government Print Management is a service of eLynxx Solutions and is endorsed by Printing Industries of America.
Source: Government Print Management.