Visitors to the Heidelberg Info Days saw a demonstration of production on a Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor 8-P.
HEIDELBERG, GERMANY—March 17, 2015—Visitors to the Heidelberg Info Days “Profitable and efficient production of short runs” at the Wiesloch-Walldorf site enjoyed not one, but two world premieres. Held at the beginning of March, the event in Hall 6 showcased an eight-color Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor perfector and a five-color Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor with coating unit and UV technology. In doing so, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) demonstrated two further configuration levels of its Anicolor technology for the cost-effective production of short runs. The Speedmaster SX 52 Anicolor has been available as a perfecting press since 2008 and as a UV press since 2010.
The Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor celebrated its premiere at drupa 2012 and, since then, has proved its worth to commercial and, in particular, packaging printers. In small and medium formats, the zoneless Anicolor technology impresses with rapid inking-up that produces saleable sheets from the 20th print sheet onward. Users say it reduces waste by up to 90 percent and supports very short makeready times.
Anicolor as a long perfecting press —extremely flexible

The Speedmaster XL 75-5+L with Anicolor and UV technology impresses with dry sheets in the delivery that can be passed to postpress immediately. The machine can print on absorbent and non-absorbent materials.
The perfecting technology is the most productive process for printing jobs on both sides. Anicolor technology from Heidelberg reduces waste and makeready times. The Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor perfector now combines both advantages in a single press.
It is available for delivery immediately and the first presses have already been sold. The front and reverse sides are printed in a single pass, which greatly reduces delivery times. Thanks to the modular design of the Speedmaster XL 75 platform, customers can tailor their specific configuration to market requirements and thus acquire an extremely flexible press. The Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor covers a broad spectrum, from a 4/4 press to a long perfector with coating and drying units. The Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor is designed for customers in industrialized countries, although the long perfecting presses are predominantly of interest to commercial printers keen to offer their customers a wide range of products. However, the press will also impress packaging printers, as it is ideal for practical applications. If, for example, the inner side has to be printed with a spot color and, following sheet reversal, the outer side printed with six colors, this presents an interesting challenge for the production of folding cartons. In such scenarios, Anicolor technology can reveal its full benefits with excellent full-area printing.
In addition to the Heidelberg Info Days, customers and other interested parties have the opportunity to see a Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor 8-P in action in a range of presentations and demonstrations in Hall 6 at Wiesloch-Walldorf.
The Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor with UV is suitable for a range of finishing options, offering printers opportunities to set themselves apart from the competition and provide added value for their customers.
Anicolor and UV printing—versatile finishing effects and fast, cost-effective manufacturing
One in every four Speedmaster XL 75 machines from Heidelberg is already supplied as a UV press. Consequently, UV technology is also being transferred to the Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor. In-house trials are currently taking place with high-profile customers during the test phase at the Wiesloch-Walldorf site. The first deliveries are planned for the end of this year. The target groups here are commercial, packaging, and specialist printers, with the primary markets for UV being in Europe, the United States, and Japan.
UV presses can process absorbent and non-absorbent materials, which arrive in the delivery dry and can be passed to postpress immediately. The combination of Anicolor and UV generates less waste, thus resulting in major cost savings, particularly for print specialists working with expensive materials such as films. Thanks to short makeready times and rapid deliveries, business models like web-to-print are also possible. In addition, UV printing is suitable for a range of finishing options, offering printers opportunities to set themselves apart from the competition and provide added value for their customers.
Customers and interested parties are invited to participate in application trials on the Speedmaster XL 75 -5+L with Anicolor and UV in Hall 6 at Wiesloch-Walldorf.
Profitable and efficient production of short runs

Visitors to the Heidelberg Info Days found out everything about Anicolor technology and gained an insight into the zoneless inking unit.
During the Heidelberg Info Days, visitors gained an overview of which presses can be used to produce even the shortest runs cost-effectively. The event showcased a comprehensive portfolio, including the Speedmaster SX 52 and XL 75 Anicolor models, and the digital printing systems Linoprint CP and Linoprint CV, which are suitable for new applications such as opaque white, varnish, and, of course, personalized print products. Combining offset technology with the digital printing systems offers immense potential.
- Companies:
- Heidelberg