Former North Carolina College Student Who Murdered School's Print Shop Director is Caught
GOLDSBORO, NC—April 14, 2015—A man sought in Monday's shooting death of a community college print shop director was apprehended early this morning after he was found sleeping on a Florida beach, the Associated Press reported.
Kenneth Stancil III was arrested just before 1:30 in the morning by Daytona Beach, FL, police who spotted him sleeping on the beach there—a local ordinance violation. Stancil, who was found with a knife in his possession, is accused of shooting and killing Ron Lane in the Wayne County Community College print shop here Monday morning.
The shooting, which took place around 8 a.m. Monday, placed the school on lockdown. Students returned to class today.
Lane, the school's print shop director and an 18-year employee, had formerly supervised Stancil—a former student at the school—under a work-study program, according to the AP. The Wayne County district attorney's office is working to have Stancil extradited to North Carolina to face murder charges.
No motive was given for the shooting.