Easton, MD

Cenveo Inc. plans to close its local printing facility effective April 25, according to the Associated Press. The plant is said to employ about 200 people and was part of Cadmus Communications acquisition Cenveo completed in December, 2006.

Commentary Draws Fire Dear Editor: In Erik Cagle’s Bits and Pieces column (August 2007 issue), he states that he was floored when every printer at his table said if they found the sales rep to be reprehensible, they would not do a deal with that rep. He was floored? This is a revelation? Look, a reprehensible (his word) rep means a reprehensible deal, reprehensible follow-through, reprehensible service and an overall reprehensible experience. Where’s the good business sense in that? When the sales guy is a jerk, you don’t ask yourself why a company would allow a jerk to represent it in the market? You don’t ask why they can’t

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